mercredi 16 mars 2016

Cluj - Reghin

Day 15: Cluj - Reghin: 107km
Today was without doubt the toughest day until now, and the nicest and warmest as well. We crossed beautiful villages and landscapes and the people were really friendly. Usually, in Western Europe, people ignore us and in Eastern Europe people don't understand why, as foreigners who have money, we would cycle instead of driving a nice car. But here it is different. They all say hi, smile, give a thumb up and say bravo, the only ones that are aggressive to us are the dogs (and Audi drivers are pretty bad as well ;)).

We had actually planned to camp in between, but we had so much energy that we made it to Reghin, even if the road was going up and down all the time. So now we are exhausted, but we will have a shorter day tomorrow. We will start to cross the carpatians mountains and should get over them in 3 days, hoping to find hotels on the road to avoid camping in high altitude (and freezing) and in company of bears.

2 commentaires:

  1. J'adore lire les nouvelles de votre périple! Vous assurez les Schneider!

  2. Ah oui Éric m à bien dit qu'il fallait que vous fassiez gaffe aux Ours des Carpates ! J espère que vous avez trouvé un hôtel !
